4:00 PM
As I mentioned in a previous post, one of my favorite things
about growing up and going off to college is the amount of experiences I now
have, the stories I can tell. It would seem, at this point, that the majority
of said stories and experiences are centered around concerts and music. Prior
to moving here, I averaged about one concert per year. Now I’m going nearly once
a week. Sound expensive? It’s not. I am fortunate enough to live in a city that
attracts a lot of great talent, often less exposed. I am also lucky to go to a
university which hosts free shows almost every week. Of the many, many
musicians I have seen so far, I only had to pay for three shows.
So here are my stories;
Big Sean |
Big Sean: He came for our Homecoming Concert. To be
completely honest, I only knew one or two of his songs, but I enjoyed it
regardless. It was so early in the school year that it was also great to meet
new people and bond with the people I’d be living with. And what better a place
to do that than a concert?
Smallpools |
Smallpools: Opener for Big Sean. I’ve been a fan of them for
a long while now. During their song Killer Whales, they tossed giant inflatable
whales (like the swimming pool toys) into the crowds and it was hilarious to
see it fly and fall while everyone was singing and jumping/ dancing.
Goodnight Gorillas |
Goodnight Gorillas: When the weather was warmer, the U put
on these shows in the patio area of the mall called Student Sound featuring
student bands. I went as a project for my photography class and I’m so happy I
chose to go. First of all, they were really good! Second, they sent me
catapulting into the domino effect of music and concerts on and around campus.
Troye Sivan: This show was being held in a venue near
campus. I’ve been of fan of his music and YouTube personality for four years,
so when I found out the show was sold out, I was devastated. I talked to a
friend and she agreed to spend the day hanging out around the venue to see if
we can either (A) meet him as he enters and/ or exits the building, (B) see him
walk in or out, or (C) buy a ticket off someone who may have an extra. We did
(B) see him walk in and out of the building. We did (C) meet a woman with one
extra ticket, but neither of us wanted to abandon the other and leave the other
ticketless. So with hopes falling, ten hours having past, rainy snow falling on
our less-than-winter-ready clothes, and the show about to begin, we did not
know what to do. Then a miracle occurred. A woman walks from the alleyway of
the building and asks us if we were going to the show. We told her we weren’t
able to get tickets before the fifteen-minute sell out. She told us to follow
her and gave us two free tickets. What. Will this ever happen again? Probably
not. Was this our intention? No. Were we happy? You have no idea. It was the
highlight of my year.
Troye Sivan (ft. stranger in the background) |
So we saw the show, which was of course incredible. We also
saw YouTuber Connor Franta who was visiting his family and took them to the
show. Anyway, the story gets better. We, in our ten hours of waiting in a tea
place across the street, knew generally where they would leave the building. Then
Connor and Troye exited the building, walked into the car, Troye saw us, and he
walked over to say hi and take pictures. He was so nice and really seemed to
care about his fans and our thoughts on the show. 10/10, would do again.
Panama Wedding |
Panama Wedding |
BORNS and Panama Wedding: An exceptionally inexpensive show
for how great it was. I mean, they were burning incense. Can it get better than
that? After the show we noticed a small line of people waiting to meet Panama
Wedding, got in line, took a huge group picture, then stalled to see if BORNS would
come out. Sure enough, after about twenty minutes, a security guard told us to
line up for a short meet and greet. (Patience does magic, I’m telling you).
Funniest part: my friend asked Garrett Borns what his favorite Pokémon was and
he responded “Squidward” as a “test”. It was a good time.
Kiernan McMullan, Carter Hulsey, and the Millenium: Where do
I even begin with this story? Kiernan McMullan performed and was incredible
(had a bit of an Ed Sheeran sound, which was amazing) so naturally I had to go
buy his music. When my friend and I went to the table, he was selling the merchandise
himself. So we talked for a bit and he signed the t-shirt I was about to buy.
Then another friend decided to buy one too and Kiernan remembered he had a
mailing list for people to sign up for, but he didn’t have a pen. My friend
did. When we finished, he handed the pen back to her and then hesitated and
asked to see it again. It was a corn pen. She was from Iowa. All of the jokes
were made. He even made a hand signal of appreciation and popcorn.
![]() |
Kiernan McMullan |
But then things got interesting. You see, some questionable
decisions were made and a friend of mine, prior to the show, did the thing
where you spin around on the handles of an escalator (0/10, would NOT
recommend, very dangerous). When she did this someone was coming down the
escalator and witnessed it all happen. He ran up to us and high fived her in a
fit of laughter. Halfway through this show we realized that guy was in the
Millenium. And so in speaking with Kiernan, the guy recognized her and ran up
and hugged her. Then, of course, Kiernan was confused so I showed him the video
and he decided he wanted to try. Long story short, the mission was unsuccessful.
He also injured his back and needed a massage (again, do not try this at home).
We then decided we caused too much destruction and asked for a picture and
left. Some day he is going to be a huge celebrity and I’ll have this story to
tell. A great evening for sure.
Whosah |
Goodnight Gorillas, Color Tab, and Whosah: As mentioned
before, attending the Goodnight Gorilla’s Student Sound concert, I was sent
into a domino effect of concerts. I saw they were coming back and decided to
go. Again, so glad I did. This show introduced me to Color Tab and Whosah. Both
great music groups and performers. Due to the number of parents in attendance,
however, it felt strange to stick around to meet them, so we bought a CD from
Color Tab and had them sign it which was nice. I then followed them all on
social media to get updates as to when they will be coming back to the area. Through
this I found out Color tab was going to be back yesterday.
Color Tab: Yesterday I went to see another Color Tab show on
campus. Again, it was great. The diversity of their sound was incredibly
impressive. It was fast and it was slow. It was rock and it was funk. It was
just all around extremely good music. This time we decided to stick around to
ask for a picture. (I’m wondering if there is any way to do this without it
being awkward). First we couldn’t because they were all split up around the
room and busy so we didn’t want to ask for one. Then they were all eating so
that would have been rude. Then Eli and Alex were done eating and went to clean
up the stage while Kieran finished eating. That’s when we realized how awkward
it was that we were just standing there and not doing anything. So we walked
over to the stage to ask for a picture when they all finish what they were
doing. So he put down his sandwich and we got a picture and they all introduced
themselves and asked our names and asked us to send them the pictures. Great
people, great music, great show, great Wednesday night.
Those are my concert stories. And I’ve only just begun.
There is still so much to do and see. To any of the musicians/ bands/ groups/
people I’ve met, seen, or mentioned, keep doing what you’re doing because it’s
great. And thank you for all of the good times and memories.