Architecture of Munich

4:00 PM

Recently, I was fortunate enough to go on a trip to Europe for one week. Munich, Germany and Salzburg, Austria. The experience was unbelievable and I am still at a bit of a loss for words, but I will do my best to describe it. After years of watching travel videos on YouTube and Netflix, I was living it. Like a dream. Honestly though it’s like a quote I read somewhere, “I have been wanting to leave ever since I figured out there were roads willing to take me anywhere I wanted to go”. I had been dreaming about going to Europe for so long and this trip went above and beyond any expectation I had of the place. 

As soon as we stepped off the plane, it was different from back home in the US. It was HOT. Ninety degrees hot. Anyway, the differences. The airport, for starters, was nearly silent. Even in walking past restaurants I wouldn’t have known there were people anywhere if I didn’t see them. Maybe I was just used to the shouting-across-tables-just-to-be-heard in the states or it seemed quiet in comparison to the sound of the four engines on the plane I had heard for nine hours, but regardless the people seemed more aware of others and respectful towards those around them. 

We made our way to the train station on got on a (not air conditioned – typical of Europe as it generally isn’t above ninety degrees) train to München Hauptbahnhof, Munich’s central train station. From the window I looked at the buildings in awe. The architecture was so unique. Lots of red roofs, tons of flowers on window sills, and incredible details in buildings and churches. 

Throughout the week, in wandering around Munich, I found myself pointing out the statues on top of buildings and the design and detail in everything. I cannot put into words how breathtaking the architecture was. Clean lines, symmetry, light, natural colors. The ages of some of the buildings date back hundreds of years.  

 And every building was like this. Unbelievable. Where have you been blown away by architecture?

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