Beaches and Boardwalks

4:00 PM

I recently took a trip to Cape Canaveral, Florida – a family favorite vacation spot. We spent seven days in a beach-side condo and did NOTHING but walk on the beach and try out new restaurants. I took a few pictures to try to capture how lovely it was. I hope to be back again soon.

Home to wild cats, raccoons, snakes, and who knows what else.
Shortly after this picture was taken a cat crept out of the bushes behind me.
Lifeguard tower at Jetty Park
Peaceful and reflective.

I ventured far enough away to escape the people and watch the birds.

There is nothing quite like the sound and feeling of ocean waves crashing on bare feet, covering them with sand.
Pelicans making home on the rocks with the buildings of Cocoa Beach's shore in the horizon.

 It was a beautiful week.

(By the way, if you ever find yourself in the Cocoa Beach area, the restaurant Florida’s Seafood was unbelievably delicious. I had the Tropical Chicken and it was so good I’m considering taking the 1,200 mile journey just to have another taste. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.)

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