Churches in Munich, Germany

4:00 PM

I feel I have discovered a new passion in Germany. A new love for architecture. Having known little more about building design than that of my high school or the Sears Tower (it will always be the Sears Tower to me), the sheer age of the buildings in Germany astounded me. There was so much detail to be seen in every aspect of the city, from building tops to plaza centers.

My favorite architectural find in the city, however, was the churches. Every church was open for the public to step in and admire and with each stop we made, it seemed to get better. 

The most memorable church of the trip, one of the most memorable places overall of the trip, had to be Asamkirche (Asam’s Church). I cannot put into words how incredible it was. Pictures will never do it justice. The vast amount of statutes, figures, murals, gold, and white, and light. And the detail in every small aspect of the church. We stood, with jaws dropped, taking it all in for probably twenty minutes and still probably missed out on seeing a lot of different parts.

There was so much to be seen. If you ever find yourself in Munich, Asamkirche is a must-see. It was incredible.

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