Cities, Grey Skies, and the Strangeness of Time

4:00 PM

Who says cloudy days have to be sad and boring? Last December I took a quick trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota with my family. We were fortunate to not have to deal with the blizzard conditions that the city faces mere days after our departure; however the frigid temperatures and grey, gloomy winter skies hung over us for the duration of our stay. Many may assume this ruined our trip, but I think it made it even better, I mean, if a place can look pretty in less-than-ideal conditions, can you imagine its beauty as sunlight graces the buildings? Anyway, the sad stereotype did not apply, we had a lovely stay. So lovely, in fact, that I packed up my things and moved.

Time is funny in that way. I type this now, reflecting on something that occurred nearly one year ago and have since been accepted into college, decided where to go, traveled a bit, packed up my things, and moved to a whole new state. Daunting though it seemed back then, it all worked out rather well.

Strange to think about. Each moment, all of your decisions, every second of your life has led you to the place you are right now. Do you ever think about that? What if you made one split second decision different? What if you chose a different college or accepted a different job offer? What if you didn't move into a new house those many years ago? If I hadn't made every decision I have made up to this point, I wouldn't know the great group of people I live with. Or if I did a random roommate assignment rather than finding her through social media, would I be living on the same floor of the residence hall that I am on? Probably not. That means I wouldn't know the people that I know. Would things be okay? I have to assume that this version of my life that does not and never will exist would be okay, but it wouldn't be the same.

I'm not really sure. Maybe this is like an early mid-life-crisis or something or it's late night deep, philosophical thoughts as I am drafting this well past midnight. Regardless, I am more than happy with the way my life has turned out thus far and am beyond glad that the decisions I have made have led me to this point.

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