Things Are Changing

4:00 PM

 | Part One: College Has Changed Me |

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sounds ridiculous. Overused. But in reality, I am a different person than I was back in Illinois and in high school.

Soon after moving out and off to Minnesota, I recognized that I was changing as a person. I, the quiet shy girl who rarely left her bedroom up until four months ago, came out of her shell (and won’t shut up).

I thought maybe I just personally noticed a change and it may not have really been happening but when I visited home a few weeks ago, everyone in my family commented on how different I am. I’m not sure if I felt I was just confined by the “shy” persona I filled in high school and did not know how to break that view everyone had of me or why I suddenly changed.

| Part Two: The Blog |

As you may (or may not) have noticed, I missed a week on the weekly blog post trend I had been doing. I wish I had a valid reason for it, but reality is I was burnt out with stress from classes, uninspired, and busy with midterms. My apologies. I wish I could say it won’t happen again, but odds are it will. I may transition to writing once every other week.

| Part Three: The Health |

I recently watched this documentary on Netflix called Cowspiracy. And, band wagon though it may sound, it changed me. Since moving to college, not going to lie, my diet had worsened immensely. Fries. Pizza. Cookies. Pancakes. Ice Cream. More potatoes than you know what to do with. And all that is unlimited. It got bad. Plus candy was on sale at the Target on campus, so it got REALLY bad.

Anyway, I watched this documentary which, to keep it short, summarized the effects of the meat and dairy industries on the environment. All I’ll say is it takes 660 gallons of water to produce one hamburger. So for that reason I am reducing my consumption of meats and dairy products. For about three weeks now I have eaten salads and vegan foods in the dining hall. While I would not consider myself vegan, I have been making a conscious effort to change and consume mostly vegan options.

| Part Four: Stories |

I was a relatively boring youth, leading a relatively uneventful life. Until now. I think that is the best part of going to college; you have stories to tell. Those nights you stayed up too late and passed a balloon around (yes, pretending the floor was lava). Learning how to use chopsticks at 3 a.m. Meeting bands and having conversations with them about Pokemon and corn pens (Garratt Borns’ favorite Pokemon is squidward, in case you were wondering – yes squidward).

The concerts. The restaurants. The city explorations. Life is a series of stories. And I am living them.

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